Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Chris' Introduction

Well, since Jill introduced the blog yesterday, I'm afraid there's not much for me to say. Although, I should point out that if this blog is anything like real life, Jill will pontificate at length on abstract and detailed subjects, and I will make fun of her. Hopefully, I'll occasionally be funny.

Let me say a few things regarding subject matter. I realize it is probably a bad idea to talk politics on a personal blog, so I will attempt to resist. However, I will occasionally post links to articles about politics, science, and sundry that will waste large portions of your workday. Additionally, we hope to post some pictures of our apartment to make people visit us. Now that I have a camera phone, you can expect lots of pictures. Lastly, the blog will frequently reflect events in our lives, and will hopefully be a good way for us to keep up with people on the other side of the contenent or the other side of the world. Sort of like sending a mass e-mail, but with less guilt.


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